Friday, March 29, 2013


#SAVETHEHOUR VIDEO PROJECT (youtube link | vimeo link)

It is here, ladies and gentlemen! Wonderful members of our extraordinary fandom took the effort and explained why The Hour is a gift to all humankind. The result is a rather long, but heartwarming video about dedicated people speaking their minds.
On the 12th February, 2013 the BBC decided to cancel one of its most intriguing programmes, a miniseries called The Hour. Now the fans and admirers are doing their best to get it given a last chance at least to tie all the loose ends. Thus, the #savethehour movement was born.
This video is also a part of said movement, giving fans and viewers an opportunity to express their opinions on the show, on its cancellation, giving reasons for it to be brought back.
The project also shows how diverse the viewership of The Hour is, featuring people from all over the world. It shows the dedication of all the people participating in #savethehour, who, as a community, are definitely not giving up on their most beloved television programme.
All music by Daniel Giorgetti and Kevin Sargent, no copyright infringement intended.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

NEW INITIATIVE - Postcards & Letters to BBC Drama Commissioning!

Offline Campaign Version 2.0 - Letters & Postcards to Ben Stephenson!
We’ve sent letters and postcards to BBC Audience Services, and the turn out was wonderful, but this initiative is something different!  We need the people in charge of drama commissioning to see just what a large viewership is dedicated to The Hour.

That is why we’re introducing the offline written campaign to the drama commissioner for the BBC!  Participation in this initiative might be even more important than the first two, because this time our letters and postcards will be going straight to “the powers that be.”
Here’s what you can do:
  • Send a postcard (or postcards!) with a word about The Hour and the campaign.  You can use a quote from the show or write your own personal message.  Just as before, a nice landscape or landmark is perfect (especially if you choose to use the “Wish you were here, Moneypenny.” quote).
  • You might also add “One more series” or something of the like to your postcard.
  • Send a letter  It can be any length, but be sure to tell why you think The Hour should be saved, and even possibly the pros that could come from a final series for the BBC, because as true as it is that this show is outstanding, and moving, and among the best on BBC Two, the BBC also need to know it is advantageous for them.
  • Don’t forget to leave one or more of the following links in your postcard or letter:  #savethehour, the petition link, the tumblr, facebook, or blogspot urls.

  • First and foremost, be kind, courteous, and respectful in everything you write. This is the head of drama commissioning at the BBC.  We want to project a positive image as fans of this show and as campaigners (as we’ve always done thus far).  This is a wonderful group of people, so we know this shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s worth stating as a reminder.   
  • The more postcards, the more letters, the better!  This goes without saying.  Our main goal is to give a tangible look at how many people love The Hour, what it means to them personally, and how it would benefit the BBC to bring it back and finish the story.  Moreover, this is a great way to show how The Hour has touched people globally.  We have an amazing fan base of so many people from all over the world who are probably not counted in with the ratings the BBC looked at through Series Two.
  • OUR APPROXIMATE ARRIVAL DATE IS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10TH.  Keep in mind, your postcards and letters don’t have to arrive on this date.  This is simply a time to aim for so they all arrive around the same time.  Please let us know if you have any questions.
Ben Stephenson
Zone A 

Floor 7
BBC Broadcasting House
Portland Place
This might be our most important mailing campaign yet.  This time around we need everyone and more as these will be going to the ones who make the decisions.  Please spread the word for us, please send a postcard or letter (it doesn’t take long!) and join us as we continue to campaign!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A very sweet message from Kudos!

Well, this is a wonderful thing to come home to.  Kudos TV sent us a very sweet message and a picture of the yellow John Lewis lamp we sent them, next to quite an amazing trio!

I just want to tell everyone how amazing they are; how this would have never been possible without everyone’s support, donations, excitement, and their overwhelming love for this show.  I’m so glad to be in the company of all of you.  We’ll keep doing all we can to show how unique, how irreplaceable, how stunning The Hour is.

The fact that we could find a yellow lamp so similar at John Lewis of all places, seems almost destined.  ”The devil is in the detail.”  Thank you for the suggestions, for being active, for being “the most dedicated and supportive fan club ever.”

I know we were all so glad to be able to let Kudos know how much we appreciate them and the love and dedication they've shown The Hour.  Thank you Kudos Television!

We've got more in the works campaigners!  Stay tuned!

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Yellow Lamp Project Update


We started this project over on Tumblr and Facebook and now we bring happy news!  The yellow John Lewis lamp for Kudos arrived today, March 25th!  We're so happy to have been able to send the producers a little token of our collective love for The Hour, to show them we appreciate them, and to let them know we want to bring it back.  The fact that we were able to find it at John Lewis (just like Freddie did for Bel!) was icing on the cake.  The gift card should read:

For Jane, Derek, & Abi.
We love 'The Hour' and Kudos TV!
Still Campaigning the BBC for S3.
Love, all of us @ #savethehour

Thank you all again who believe so strongly in these initiatives.  It really is an amazing thing to see how dedicated everyone in this campaign is.  Get ready for another new initiative, coming soon! 

Last Call for the Video Project!

  • The deadline for our video project is TODAY, March 25th, that means we’re accepting new videos today, and then we’ll start to edit all the material together. 
  • If you want to be a part of this and join, please check this post for further information.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Twitter Trending Party Today!

Dear followers, campaigners,
  • don't forget that the #savethehour twitter trending party is today (March 23rd) at 9PM GMT/UTC!


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Reminder: Video Project!

Sending out a reminder that videos for our big video project are due this Monday, the 25th!  We hope everyone will be involved.  Tell the BBC why you want a Series Three.  Quote your favorite character.  Cosplay.  Make a sign.  Get creative!  We can't wait to see what everyone has in store.  

All the info can be found HERE.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ben Whishaw Talks About the Campaign!

We're still ecstatic that Ben Whishaw (plays Freddie Lyon) mentioned the campaign in conjunction with how much he loves The Hour, on the Andrew Marr show on March 10, 2013. Check it out!

Vote for The Hour at CultBox!

Which axed UK cult TV show from the past few years would you most like to return?

Please vote for The Hour on the right hand side of the page!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Offline Campaign Alternatives and Information

  • You can send letters of complaint, appreciation, anything.  Just keep everything respectful.
  • You can send the e. e. cummings quote.  "Nobody, not even the rain has such small hands."
  • You can write “Wish you were here Moneypenny”. It works even better if the postcard is of a local spectacle or landscape.
  • You can send origami lotuses, like the one Ruth Elms made. Here’s how.
  • Here’s MC’s idea.
  • And of course, you can print posters to spread the word. Poster 1, poster 2, poster 3.
  • I recommend that if you indeed send or do something, include the URL of one or more of our blog locations, or, or the full URL of the petition.
  • If you have any ideas, suggestions, do tell and I’ll include them.
BBC Audience Services
PO Box 1922

The more you send in, the better!
You can see some photos of things sent in already at Tumblr

Sign, Buy, Tweet, Send, Promote!

It’s still on. We’re not giving up. Not now.
Watch the show. Get involved.
Things to do:
         - BBC Shop (UK s1 s2 & Complete Series boxset)  
                             - BBC America Shop (s1 s2)
Most importantly, promote these and the rest of our initiatives to others!

Come One, Come All! Save The Hour's Second Twitter Trending Party!


WHAT:  A get together on Twitter to get #savethehour trending!
Last week’s extravaganza was a great success! We didn’t trend, but we did get the attention of Kudos and had very special participation from our very own Lisa Greenwood (Sissy Cooper), Oona Chaplin (Marnie Madden), and Kevin Sargent (Composer, Series Two)! Now is our chance to continue to spread the word and moreover, spread love for the show to the powers that be! The more we do, the more they take notice.

WHY:  The Hour was canceled before it’s third and final series on a major cliffhanger, without closure for the characters or the fans. Many recent fan campaigns such as the one for Community have used Twitter to show “the powers that be” viewer dedication to their favorite show. As a widely used social media platform by “people of influence” and fans alike it’s a perfect way to show in great numbers how much we care about The Hourgetting a final series to come to its intended conclusion.

KudosTV, the cast, and the creators are all eager to finish the series.  Lets try and make it happen!

WHEN: SATURDAY, MARCH 23rd @ 9 PM GMT  It’s the weekend, so hopefully more of you will be able to attend! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! (TIME ZONE CONVERTER)


Join us on Twitter this Saturday!
  • Tweet @BBCpress@BBCTWOUK, and @KudosTV (the show’s producers),@BBCAmerica your desire to see a third and final series.
  • Make sure to use the hashtag: #savethehour in your tweets so we can get it trending!

  • Feel free to tweet any news outlets or “celebrity” fans as well, telling them about #savethehour and a need for a third series. Ask for a mention!  Some great candidates are:
  • The Guardian (just did an interview with Ben mentioning The Hour’s cancellation)  
  • The Telegraph (mentioned Ben's interview about the cancellation)
  • BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 2 (or any other radio stations, try for an on air mention)
  • Radio Times 
  • Digital Spy
  • TV Guide's Matt Roush (wrote a glowing review of S2 in the U.S.)
  • This is far from limited to these folks, however.  Also, please remember to be respectful no matter who you are tweeting.

    I DON’T HAVE A TWITTER: It’s completely free and easy to make one! I hardly used Twitter before this campaign. Now I’m using it often.

    To trend we need absolutely everyone who is a fan of this show or who knows how it feels to lose your favorites before their time. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never campaigned, are a casual fan, a hardcore fan, or a friend of a fan; are new or old to the fandom, or have thought about watching but have not gotten to it yet. It doesn’t matter if you don’t Tumblr, or haven’t been a part of the campaign yet. Don’t be shy!   You are all welcome, and we would love and appreciate the support!
Here are some handy reminders by belspond about tweeting. 
By all means continue to tweet daily as well.  Keep the #savethehour tag active. 
Lets show the BBC this show has an amazing, dedicated following that wants a series three. Lets give the series the chance to close as it was intended.  Fans can change things.  

Whether you are in this fandom or not, please help us realize the reality of seeing our show finish as we had all hoped desperately for.  Please promote this anywhere and everywhere!  Tell your friends.  Spread the word to as many people as possible.  Thank you!

Save The Hour Video Project

We proudly present you the SAVETHEHOUR VIDEO PROJECT!
The Hour is a BBC 2 series touted by local and international fans and critics alike as the best of British Television.  The show ended on a major cliffhanger at the end of December 2012, leaving fans on the edge of their seats, waiting to know what would happen next.   The  writers and actors expressed their hopes and intent to make a third and final series (as the show had been conceived in a three series arc).  Then, on February 12th, 2013 the BBC announced it was cancelling The Hour in favor of new programming.  Immediately, viewers and critics took to the net to express their sadness and disappointment and the #SaveTheHour campaign was established. 
What's this?
  • In its month-long run, the savethehour campaign has successfully expanded over various types and platforms of social media, such as tumblr, Facebook, Twitter.
  • We are also running an active offline campaign which will also be complimented by other upcoming actions (mostly the Yellow Lamp Project).
  • This initiative is the next step!
  • The Savethehour Video Project has been started to bring personal connection and direct involvement into the campaign.
Seriously, what's this about?
  • In this project we intend to put together a compliation of videos.
  • Videos made by the fandom. You. And you. Yes, you too, who's reading this.
  • Much like #watchcommunity's well known video, it's all about our dedication, and our love towards the show.
What do I have to do?
  • We intend to make a longer video from shorter clips.
  • That being said, it's best if you tr to explain in 20-30 seconds why The Hour should be saved, why do you love it in particular, or talk about anything related to the show.
  • Don't worry, if you don't want to talk but want to participate, even holding up a #savethehour sign will do.
  • Basically you can send us a video of any length, any material will be useful.
I've made a video! What's next?
  • You either send it to us via email, or upload it somewhere and send us the link itself.
  • The email address is
No need to worry: if we don't receive sufficient material until then, we'll extend the deadline.  If we end up having lots of material to put together, we might even produce a second video.
The videos will be edited together on the week after by me (Annie) and Ash.
If you have any questions, do tell!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Welcome To Save The Hour! Intro: All About Us

Save The Hour is a campaign aimed at convincing BBC Two to recommission one of its best, most brilliant programmes:  The Hour.  Overflowing with masterful performances, intelligent writing, and critical acclaim all over the world, including Golden Globe, BAFTA, and Emmy nods, it has been lauded as the best of British Television.  We are fans trying to work together to show the BBC just how much The Hour needs a third and final series or a film; thus, giving devoted fans closure and the artists who gave their all to this show the ending they deserve.

Our campaigners hail from all over the globe including but not limited to the UK, Argentina, Chile, Switzerland, Germany, France, Hungary, the U.S., and Korea.  

This blog is run by:

Annie, Alice, and Ash

Since February 12, 2013, we have been based at Tumblr and Facebook, where we have been operating, growing, and conducting campaign initiatives.  This is our next step into the blogosphere.  Here you will be able to find all the news and information on our upcoming campaign initiatives, however, you will still continue to find us at our original home base.  Again, those locations are:


More background on #SaveTheHour

On February 12th, 2013 the BBC announced it was cancelling one of its most sophisticated and poignant programmes, The Hour, in favor of new programming to the disappointment and dismay of its fans and the artists behind it.  This decision not only left viewers with a major series two cliffhanger, it shocked the actors and writers who were made to believe the show, on a three series arc, would be allowed to come to a proper conclusion.

The series starred Romola Garai (as Bel Rowley), Ben Whishaw (as Freddie Lyon), and Dominic West (as Hector Madden) playing BBC journalists in 1950s London seeking to spread the truth to the masses at a time when television journalists were, as Freddie Lyon stated, "the weekly reassurance that everything is right with the world."  While Series One focused on the Suez Crisis, Series Two dealt mainly with police corruption and vice in Soho.  The Hour received glowing reviews from the likes of Newsweek, The New Yorker, TV Guide, and The New York Times.  In addition, it was nominated for Golden Globe, BAFTA, Critic's Choice, and Emmy awards, among others.  

What we've done so far

Before The Hour was cancelled, a petition was established by our very own Alice, and fans everywhere wrote the BBC asking for a third series.  On news of the cancellation, viewers and critics took to the net to express their sadness and disappointment and the #SaveTheHour campaign was established.

  • As of June 2013 the petition at has seen over 22,000 signatures, and has been in various news outlets including Radio Times and Digital Spy.  
  • An offline campaign initiative has seen two waves of postcards, letters, and fan-made handicrafts go out to BBC Audience Services in support of The Hour and a final series or film.  (You can see some of them at our tumblr.)
  • The Yellow Lamp Project, in which donations were taken in order to send the Head of Drama Commissioning at the BBC and Kudos TV (The Hour producers) a yellow lamp, like Bel Rowley's iconic lamp in the show, representing our appreciation and our dedication to seeing a final conclusion.  The project has been successful.  Kudos has received their lamp and sent us a wonderful message!  The BBC were not at liberty to accept gifts, however, the letter detailed our belief in what the show gives to the BBC and how we are campaigning was sent to Ben Stephenson with a few flyers recently.
  • A Video Project campaign involving fans from around the world detailing why they love the show asking the BBC to bring it back has just been completed.  Cast member, Oona Chaplin (played Marnie Madden) has tweeted the video and we are currently seeking to continue promoting it.
  • An offline letter campaign to Head of BBC Drama Commissioning, Ben Stephenson is currently underway.  Fans are sending letters and postcards to him with quotes, personal stories, and requests to bring back The Hour.
  • SaveTheHour's Fundraiser for The National Literacy Trust  Rather than taking up funds to send in food products and the like to the BBC, we're raising money for a good cause on related to themes The Hour so wonderfully champions!  To date we've reached 44% of our $1500 GBP goal.  Help us reach our goal for the National Literacy Trust and support the outstanding work they do while showing love for The Hour to the BBC (we will be sending them a link to our page).
  • Flash Mob/Demonstration at BBC Broadcasting House  On May 28, 2013 some of our London campaigners took to BBC Broadcasting House to protest the cancellation of The Hour, as those campaigners across the globe encouraged them through an online Twitter flash mob, sending tweets to news sites and the BBC, encouraging them to take notice.  We made the news on RadioTimes, The Guardian, and Digital Spy, in addition to gaining encouragement from BBC executives and a visit from Anna Chancellor (Lix Storm).  We are currently looking into visiting BBC Broadcasting House again in the near future.
  • Online initiatives are also taking place.  Fans have taken to Twitter under the hashtag #savethehour, sending out thousands of tweets to express their love for the show, and the desire to gain closure to a brilliant series.  Through this medium we have gained the support of Lisa Greenwood (played Sissy Cooper), Oona Chaplin (played Marnie Madden), and Kevin Sargent (composer for Series Two).
  • Promotional materials featuring information about the petition, the website, and links to buy the series on Amazon or iTunes have been made for online and offline posting on blogs, campuses, coffeehouses, and the like.
  • We were also very proud to see Ben Whishaw (played Freddie Lyon) speak of the movement on The Andrew Marr Show on March 10, 2013.
Plans are currently taking place for other offline and online campaigning movements.  An entry will be posted here as soon as details are ironed out!  

****You can check out our campaigning initiatives from their inception with our easy tag navigation at Tumblr.***

updated: May 31, 2013

Don't forget to

Buy the series on Amazon or iTunes!

Write a personal letter in our BBC Drama Mailing Campaign!

Take part in all of the amazing initiatives going on currently and coming up soon!

We're thankful for each and every viewer, cast member, and their invaluable support!

Contact us here