Hello all! It's time once again for an update on our fundraiser!
We are still holding at 42% after a few days, and while this is pretty great for the short time ago our page went live, we could really use more promotion outside of Tumblr. Many of the fans of the show are not on this site. It's been wonderful to see people continuously reblogging and asking people to take part, but now maybe we should reach outside the scope of Tumblr and Facebook.
The possibility for wider reach could REALLY be stepped up by increasing our presence on TWITTER. This is where the "important" people are easier to get in touch with!
One of the best options for promotion at this point might be to tweet the link to the fundraiser on Twitter and ask for retweets, etc., (Our page is http://www.justgiving.com/savethehour) especially to journalists (those that wrote reviews for The Hour would be great), news outlets, and maybe some celeb fans such as Caitlin Moran, etc?
These should be a good starting point: (click the names for links)
- The Guardian (did an interview with Ben mentioning The Hour’s cancellation)
- The Telegraph (mentioned Ben's interview about the cancellation)
- Radio Times
- Digital Spy
- TV Guide's Matt Roush (wrote a glowing review of S2 in the U.S.)
- Andrew Romano of Newsweek (wrote a glowing review of Series Two in the U.S.)
- DenofGeek (just wrote an article about The Hour needing a third series)
- David Lister (just wrote a piece for the Independent about how the BBC needs to reconsider cancellation)
- Vulture (reported on Abi's plans for a Series Three)
- Caitlin Moran (huge fan of the show)
Lisa Greenwood (SIssy) and Oona Chaplin (Marnie), and KudosTV would be worth tweeting as well! Signal boosts and getting awareness out there is something we could really use for the campaign, given that we are certainly not reaching everyone that might be interested in giving at this moment through reblogs and Facebook updates alone.
The more people that help to do this, the more people we can reach. To build a presence and more importantly, gain attention, we need everyone. So as always campaigners, your help and participation would be much appreciated!
Also, if you have any other promotional ideas, please let us know! Thank you all for continually being wonderful fellow campaigners for a show that deserves to be finished. :)
Sidenote: Promoting the #SaveTheHour Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fewagZaqnLQ would be a great idea for these Twitter handles as well!