Thursday, March 28, 2013

NEW INITIATIVE - Postcards & Letters to BBC Drama Commissioning!

Offline Campaign Version 2.0 - Letters & Postcards to Ben Stephenson!
We’ve sent letters and postcards to BBC Audience Services, and the turn out was wonderful, but this initiative is something different!  We need the people in charge of drama commissioning to see just what a large viewership is dedicated to The Hour.

That is why we’re introducing the offline written campaign to the drama commissioner for the BBC!  Participation in this initiative might be even more important than the first two, because this time our letters and postcards will be going straight to “the powers that be.”
Here’s what you can do:
  • Send a postcard (or postcards!) with a word about The Hour and the campaign.  You can use a quote from the show or write your own personal message.  Just as before, a nice landscape or landmark is perfect (especially if you choose to use the “Wish you were here, Moneypenny.” quote).
  • You might also add “One more series” or something of the like to your postcard.
  • Send a letter  It can be any length, but be sure to tell why you think The Hour should be saved, and even possibly the pros that could come from a final series for the BBC, because as true as it is that this show is outstanding, and moving, and among the best on BBC Two, the BBC also need to know it is advantageous for them.
  • Don’t forget to leave one or more of the following links in your postcard or letter:  #savethehour, the petition link, the tumblr, facebook, or blogspot urls.

  • First and foremost, be kind, courteous, and respectful in everything you write. This is the head of drama commissioning at the BBC.  We want to project a positive image as fans of this show and as campaigners (as we’ve always done thus far).  This is a wonderful group of people, so we know this shouldn’t be a problem, but it’s worth stating as a reminder.   
  • The more postcards, the more letters, the better!  This goes without saying.  Our main goal is to give a tangible look at how many people love The Hour, what it means to them personally, and how it would benefit the BBC to bring it back and finish the story.  Moreover, this is a great way to show how The Hour has touched people globally.  We have an amazing fan base of so many people from all over the world who are probably not counted in with the ratings the BBC looked at through Series Two.
  • OUR APPROXIMATE ARRIVAL DATE IS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10TH.  Keep in mind, your postcards and letters don’t have to arrive on this date.  This is simply a time to aim for so they all arrive around the same time.  Please let us know if you have any questions.
Ben Stephenson
Zone A 

Floor 7
BBC Broadcasting House
Portland Place
This might be our most important mailing campaign yet.  This time around we need everyone and more as these will be going to the ones who make the decisions.  Please spread the word for us, please send a postcard or letter (it doesn’t take long!) and join us as we continue to campaign!

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