Sunday, May 5, 2013


Save The Hour has raised 43 % of its goal for the National Literacy Trust

That is about £652 out of our £1500 goal.  Please remember to keep spreading the news about our page, not only through social media, but through word of mouth to friends and family who might be interested in giving to a wonderful cause as well!  There are many fans out there who aren't even aware of this initiative.  Lets continue to spread the word!  We would love to do this both for the NLT and for the campaign.  We'll email a link to the page to the BBC as well when we get near our goal.  

Here are some quick promotional ideas.  If you have any suggestions for wider promotion, please get in touch with us by email.  We value your input!

Finally, TREMENDOUS thanks goes out to those who have donated.  Your contribution is very appreciated.  Also, thank you to all of you who have tirelessly promoted this and all of the initiatives we've been working on here at Save The Hour.  Together we can reach our goal.  Together we can show the love and dedication we have for this show.  Lets keep the momentum going!

The Save The Hour petition has gone beyond 20,000 signatures!

This is an amazing show of people from around the world who love and appreciate The Hour, and see the value in completing the trilogy.  Signatures are being added every day.  We are proud to be a part of such a dedicated and passionate following who are still fighting for a more than deserving show.  Here's to our next milestone: 25,000!

As a small addendum:  Remember, all of our initiatives remain active!  Please feel free to continue to send letters or postcards to the Head of Drama Commissioning, tweet your support at #savethehour to @KudosTV and @bbcpress, buy the DVDs, make a donation, or promote the petition, fundraiser, and #savethehour video - it's never too late to take part in the campaign!  You can find all the info you need for each initiative on the right sidebar.  Thank you everyone!

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